Well, I'm still locked. The itching has not really gotten better. My consultant says that my scalp looks a lot better. Actually I lie. My scalp has gotten better because now I only have to wash it once per week as opposed to washing it twice a week like I was before. Of course, much to the chagrin of my consultant, I experimented with some shampoos. The Sisterlocks Green Tea shampoo was really helping, but it was too conditioning and caused my locks to unravel a little in the back. It also made my hair appear more frizzy. I changed to the Aveda Scalp Benefits shampoo and it REALLY worked... as long as I accompanied with an ACV rinse. It wasn't very moisturizing and does not have SLS in it. But I'm realizing now that it doesn't work very well on it's own. I like the ACV rinse but I fear it may be too conditioning. My consultant recommended that I go back to using the starter shampoo and putting an anti-itch cream on my scalp (very small amounts) once a week. There is no slippage with this, but it is not as effective as the ACV wash. So, guess what? I'll take a little fuzziness as long as I can;t produce snow from my head. Really, the fuzziness is not considerably more than it should be. Actually, it could just be my hair in it's natural locking process, says my consultant, it's just fuzzier than most heads she's seen.
So, at five months locked here's a rundown of my routine -
Wash once a week to include an ACV rinse at the end of the wash.
Rinse mid-week with just water in between washes.
Fingerstyle daily using steam from shower.
Retightenings every 4 weeks.
And that about wraps up the hair update. Stay tuned for the skin update. I know I promised pictures. I don't have any close ups but I will try to get some for you this weekend. I have my ten year high school reunion! I can't believe it's been only ten years! Until then, here's one to hold you over. :-)